Can We Talk About Aging?

I distinctly remember being a child and overhearing my mom talking with her friends in passing about how old they were and all the changes their bodies had gone through since arriving at whatever particular age. I remember thinking to myself how "old" 38 was. Laughable right? I'm 34 years old now and I realize... Continue Reading →

Blogger Lessons: Stay True to YOU

Here it is only 6 days into 2018 and I already have something on my mind that I need to put into words. And that's ok because that's what I've been doing the entire time I've had a blogging career. I do a lot of thinking; hard to believe sometimes since I have so much... Continue Reading →

Her Story: Tiffiany

Name: Tiffiany Procedure Type: Gastric sleevectomy Age: 30 Starting weight: 472 Surgery weight: 401 Current weight: 275-279 Goal weight: 180(I’d really be content at 195 lmao) What prompted you to make the decision to go for wls? In January 2015 I stepped on the scale and it said 472lbs which is a weight I’d never... Continue Reading →

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