Lita F. Styles Has Entered the Chat for Size Inclusive Swimwear

Lita F. Styles has picked the perfect season to drop her new size inclusive swimwear! There is something about summer that gets the juices flowing! It’s a time where you feel a little bit more free and fly! (Well…minus COVID-19 coming to rain on our parade, but that’s not what we’re here for.)

Will Ferrell Blades Of Glory GIF - WillFerrell BladesOfGlory ItGetsThePeopleGoing GIFs

When she casually mentioned to me that she was interested in creating a swim collection for all bodies, I was really excited to hear it. As a body that is often left out of the inclusive conversation in the plus fashion industry (the irony right) I was glad to hear that she TRULY wanted to create a swim collection for all.

Get Me Fringed Size 24

Inclusive is Trendy But Not Necessarily Accurate

We’ve all seen “inclusive” be the new trendy word of the fashion industry. Brands small and large are learning the power in the fat dollar and are not trying to miss that gravy train. The problem? Their idea of inclusive typically leaves out bodies that are outside of a 3x. When they do include a 26/4x, the measurements basically equate to a 24.

When it comes to swimwear we find ourselves in the same boat. Brands that do carry beautiful swimsuits for extended size bodies are limited. They also tend to use smaller models on their sites as well which is problematic in itself. We’re forced to shop brands with poor body politics because our options are limited. These “inclusive” brands also collaborate with some of ya’lls favorite influencers and casually forget to go past a 3x/24 in the cute hot items.

But I digress.

Get Me Fringed is a Much Needed Nod to Inclusive Swimwear

Five plus size black women with varying sizes and body shapes wearing a black bathing suit with a pink zipper detailing down the front and matching pink fringe along the hip line.
The Get Me Fringed Bathing suit photo courtesy of

The Get Me Fringed Swimsuit that drops today Friday 7/10/2020 on Lita F. Styles is in need of your support. If you don’t know, manufacturing clothes is no small and inexpensive feat. When you add plus size to the mix,it gets even more costly.

Despite these obstacles, Carmelita of Lita F. Styles is rising to the occasion despite being a small business. Although she herself is a size 18 and falls on the smaller end of the plus size spectrum; she wanted to include her larger bodied counterparts.

Her vision was to create swimwear styles that weren’t buried in floral prints and skirts. While many plus women enjoy the ability to cover up the parts they aren’t comfortable with; Lita is aiming at reaching the population of women who are ready to proudly show up in swimwear without the safety nets.

When brands actually do the work to include our bodies, we need to support them so they can continue to support us!

Five plus size black women with varying sizes and body shapes wearing a black bathing suit with a pink zipper detailing down the front and matching pink fringe along the hip line. They're turned to the right with one leg to the front accentuating their hip and butts.
photo courtesy of

The swimsuits run from a size 12-26; but the the kicker? They actually fit up to a size 30!

The Wrap Up

If there’s one thing I have learned is that businesses can only survive with the consumer. In moments like these when there’s a business seriously trying to provide a service to marginalized bodies and actually mean it; they can only provide if we shop. We complain, and now someone is delivering! Do you plan to show up?

I definitely decided to put my money where my mouth is and shop. No I didn’t use my “clout” as a blogger or having a sizable audience on Instagram to procure a free suit – I BOUGHT it. Because that’s how you truly support a small business that is trying to grow. And I can’t speak for anyone else, but after wearing this bathing suit, feeling and looking good; I for sure want her to bring us MORE!

Until next time,

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